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Sometimes, the only thing we can do in this rough and tumble world is buckle down and wait out the rough spots.  I’ve had a few lately, and I’ve got to tell you, the words you share with us here each and every week have helped me weather some pretty rough storms. You see, I’m on a mission to change the world, and I figure, like the wise Ghandi teaches, the best place to start is with me.  So I’ve been doing some changing, re prioritizing, and walking the walk of the talk I insist on spitting, and would you believe…I’m making those few real world folks who I’ve allowed to get close pretty uncomfortable.

I’m here this week, shouting out to all of you the world over, with gratitude and thanks for sharing your world with me.  The good times, the bad times, and ideas for being bigger and better are shared here every week with frothy pints of poetry and what I hope is a sincere since of camaraderie and fellowship. I know better than to think every one agrees with my rants, but I so appreciate the forum and the comfort that comes with speaking freely.

Thank you all for being a part of my own little Poetopia. Thank you for lending an ear, sending a hug, and sharing your heart and soul each and every week.  Thank you for the shares, the tweets, and the stolen conversations during office hours that get me through my days more than you know. Most of all, Poets…thank you for reigniting my faith in our species and my hope for tomorrow.  Tonight…I raise my glass to all of you.  Team mates, friends, followers, old, new and borrowed. Here’s to dVerse…we really are Poetry in Motion.

For those of you who know how this works…I know you’re frantically fighting Anthony for that coveted #1 position…for those of you new to the pub, let me take a moment to share with you how we work.

  • Post a poem to your blog. (Or perhaps you want to share one you’ve already written…dust off the cobwebs and let it’s light shine…feel free!)
  • Copy the address of the specific blog post (your full blog may leave folks lost in a sea of navigation attempting to find your post…especially if it’s an older one)
  • Click the Mr. Linky button below.  Here you are provided a form to enter your name, as well as the post address.  If Mr. Linky has already pulled your most recent post and it’s not correct, simply place your cursor and backspace, deleting the existing entry, and paste in the new.  Click submit…and your in!
  • Mr. Linky stores the addresses of all Poets who are joining in.  Here you can visit and share any poems you choose.  We are about community, and sharing the good work of the poets who share their hearts and minds with us.  Tweet, share, like and love.
  • We grow when we engage.  Talk to the poets, comment, share, foster relationships along with stronger pens.  The talent that so freely gives of itself here, each and every week, is amazing.  There are so many to learn from, so many you could help.
  • Most importantly…have fun!

Yours in Poetry ~ Natasha