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I had a front row seat and a beer. It was my first time ever to attend a poetry slam. Small place, crowded, it was hot, the air thick with expectation and excitement. I was close enough to see their quivering lips as they stepped into the light, up to the mic and.. the words poured forth..

At slams, there are no stage props allowed, no music, pictures, effects – it’s just the poet and their text, just him or her – and the words they spun alone in their room, now ready to share with the world…

I feel this magic here as well when poets from around the world gather on a tuesday evening to bring their words and their hearts…thanks to each of you for doing this so bravely each week..and if you do it with quivering lips, I think that makes it all the more fascinating…

So – stage is set – mic open…looking forward to seeing you on the trail!

Here’s how it works…

  • Post a poem to your blog,
  • Link your poem to dVerse (1 link, please) by clicking on the Mr.Linky button below.
  • This opens a new screen where you’ll enter your information, and where you also choose links to read. Once you have pasted your poem’s blog url and entered your name, click Submit.
  • Don’t forget to let your readers know where you’re linking up and encourage them to participate by including a link to dVerse in your blog post.
  • Visit others who have linked and leave comments to let them know what you appreciate about their poem or how it affected you.
  • Spread the word on the poems you enjoy if you’d like. Feel free to tweet and share on the social media of your choice.
  • Enjoy being part of this community.

Have a great time everyone!
~ Claudia