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Welcome once again, Poets! So very happy you’ve found the time to drop in to our little pub for the always fantastic OpenLinkNight.  We’re on week 12…can you believe it! And each and every week, as we share our words, we can see and feel evolution taking place.  Together, we are growing, improving, and so too is our community!

I must admit, I am suffering a bit of a guilt complex at my lack of involvement over the past couple of weeks, as the real world had the nerve to invade upon my poetic utopia, but there is no better way than diving in head first with the opportunity to once again host OpenLinkNight. I am so very honored to be a part of this fantastic pub, this wonderful community, and to have such amazing folks to share my words with.  To make up for my absence, I’m doing something I vowed I never would…and am including a recording in my post! OMG! See what you’ve done to me!

Here on my Canadian stomping grounds we’re getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, and to you, my very dear and poetic friends, I must give a huge thank~you! So with much poetic love and gratitude, I welcome you, and to the dVerseTeam of stellar awesomeness, I’m not sure if I can make you understand what a vital survival mechanism you have become for me. Thank YOU!

Now…let’s get this party started shall we? For those of you just joining us, here’s how we roll…

  • Post a poem to your blog. (Just one….resist the urge, poets!) Feel free to include a link back to dVerse on your post.  It’s all in the name of spreading the poetry love!
  • Using the Mr. Linky box above, copy and paste the URL of your post, enter your name, and click submit! There, you’re in!
  • Using the same Mr.Linky, click on other submitted pieces. Comment on those that grab you, let the other poets know you have visited. We are community, and engaging with each other helps to keep that spirit alive and thriving.
  • Tweet, share, and spread the words! Let’s bring poetry back to the spotlight it once enjoyed. We are the recorders, the observers, we are snapshots of our world, where we’re at, where we’ve been and where we’re heading.
  • Most of all…enjoy what is fast becoming the place to be for poetry lovers and readers alike! We are dVerse! We are poetry in motion!