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I met Terry a while ago when he started to comment on my poetry. I made my way to his blog and was just overwhelmed by his fantastic and sensitive way to capture the things around him. And he not only made me see, but really as well feel the atmosphere– it’s much as if his photos breathe– (just be quiet for a moment and come closer to the screen with you ear.. can you hear it..?) smiles..not kidding, I really do hear them breathe and I’m so happy, that he let me choose some of his pics and allows us to write to them.

Here’s a bit of Terry’s background

Terry S. Amstutz, a.k.a. mobius faith, was born (1960) in Wayne County and raised on the family farm located in Apple Creek, OH. He was always drawn to the excitement and seemingly never-ending inspiration of an urban environment. This led Terry to make his home in the heart of Akron where he has lived since 1997.

Having attended both Malone College and Kent State University he decided to leave behind a degree in theater arts for a career in business. Interested in photography and art from an early age, his skill did not begin to really take shape until the advent of the digital revolution.

Creating under the pseudonym, mobius faith, Terry’s images focus on themes like grace, decay, memory and perception. Primary subjects are landscapes or scenics, abandoned spaces and abstracts. “Digital photography as an act of grace has the power to take things forgotten, mundane, hurting or outright ignored and transforms them into ‘places’ of interest.”

You can find Terry’s pics on his blog, his flickr site and there’s also a book available.

If you’re new, here’s how it works–

  • Choose one of Terry’s pics and write a poem, inspired by it
  • Post the pic and poem on your webpage or blog
  • Please include the following link – http://mobiusfaith.wordpress.com/ – to Terry’s site and give him credit for the pic
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and url and click enter.
  • This is also where you will find the list of those that have also joined in—visit others, read, comment, meet new people—let people know what you think of their verse.
  • Feel free to share your link and a link to dverse using the social media of your choice.
  • Most of all… have fun and a wonderful saturday!!