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dverselogoA new year means new promises to ourselves for the coming days. Whether you are one who falls into the resolution trap admittedly, or are one who denies it’s allure, many of us wake to a new year with promise and hope for better.

This year, I’m getting quiet. I’m keeping it simple. I’m going to shut up and listen. Are you aware of the poems that rise and swell, birthed in overheard conversations at coffee shops and pubs? I know you are, but in paying attention, I’ve come to realize the vital role these play in my writing. I’ve also promised to listen to myself more, to trust my instinct, go with the flow.

This morning, for no good reason, I was wide awake at 4:30 am. The temperature had plummeted to -27 overnight, and my entire house was alive with sound. In the stillness of this quiet time, with my ears and focus tuned in, I could hear the creep of the frost taking over, settling in. The timbers were cracking, the lead glass panes of the stained glass windows were whispering, and the wind whistled a tune as it blew down the chimney to a wood fire long ago burnt out. Wrapped up tight in my blanket with a cup of steaming coffee, I was given a whole new appreciation for the cold and his song. Had I not had my “resolution” firmly in mind…I would have grumbled and growled, stomped and frowned at being awakened so early. Instead, I considered my self to have been blessed with a moment that for the past 38 years had eluded me.

As we gather for our second OpenLinkNight of 2013, I can’t help but wonder what other moments I have missed, due to my own inability to simply shut up and get quiet. So, as fair warning, just want you to know if you see me lurking a little too close this evening, it is only with the best of intentions…I want to hear your stories, share your moments, and perhaps treat your muse to a drink and see what is prompted from my own pen.  Some may call it stealing inspiration…but I like to think of it more as having the ears to hear.

Welcome to the pub dear poets! It’s OpenLinkNight…time to let those stories be heard.  On your mark…get set…

  • Post a poem to your blog. Let folks know where your sharing by inluding a link back to dVerse in your post. Feel free to use the logo and share our community with others who might like to play along.
  • Copy the exact address of your post and click the Mr.Linky button below
  • Paste your post address, enter your name, click submit…and you’re in!
  • Return to Mr.Linky to visit with other storytellers who are linking up with us this evening. Share and engage with your fellow poets. Comment and share the good works on the networks of your choosing.
  • We are community and we are thriving…because each week we connect to share our words, our hearts, our hopes and dreams…let folks know you’re linking up with one of the most awesome, vibrant, poetic communities on the web…and let them know they’re invited too!