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dverselogoHas your life ever become such a train wreck that all you can do is laugh and trip over the poetry that is suddenly hitting you over the head with every turn you take?

Have you ever spent a couple hours really digging deep and putting together a playlist as soundtrack…there’s a trip! Stealing someone else’s words to try to bring a little bit of meaning into the chaos.

How about bleeding with your pen…really bleeding. Blame the stars, the moon, the gods, the devils, but these roller coaster rides are rough, gut wrenching, frightening, and absolutely glorious in the fodder they give your pen. Always I am prompted back to my secret safe of soul crying journals. As pathetic as I may have seemed at the time…they are proof that the ride does end…and you do get to take a breather before the carnie pulls the lever to send you loopy again.

So…I invite you to enjoy the chaos, ride the rails, and hold on with everything you have. We’re bleeding poetry…the real deal…and we’re paying homage to the power of the words that matter most to us…our own.

Tonight, good Poets…let’s bleed it out…got me some Linkin Park on deck, and I’m ready to hit the bottom of this poetic bottle.

Happy National Poetry Month Wordbenders!

Write on!

The official way to play?

  • Post a poem to your blog. We’re freestyling tonight. No prompt…just whatever your pen may be bleeding.
  • Copy the exact address of your blog post and click the Mr.Linky button below.
  • Here you will be asked to post your link and enter your name. Click submit…and you’re now linked up to one of the most popular poetry linkups on the web! Welcome to OpenLinkNight!
  • Return to Mr.Linky to visit others who are sharing their words. Read, engage, comment and share. Lift up your fellow poets with encouragement, feel their pieces and let them know they moved you.
  • Most of all…enjoy!