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Fuyu No Tsuki—Winter Moon

This January, our Moon is demanding that she be given attention. Already, after participating in but a few prompts, I have read a good number of moon poems.

The moon is staging for us, her admirers, two full moons, that is, a blue moon, both of which are super moons, and adding to this the exclamation point of a lunar eclipse for the second full moon on January 31. What is one to do, but bow to her strong influence in our lives and pen some words on her behalf.

For our Haibun prompt today, I have chosen the Japanese Kigo, Fuyu No Tsuki—winter moon. There is a distinct quality to the effect of the moon when she casts her light in the winter sky. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, for those of us who live in climates where snow prevails (maybe too much in some areas as I write this) she paints the white landscape a beautiful blue and she creates such an amazing backdrop for bare branches in silhouette. For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, I hope you, too, will describe your experience of the winter moon for us.

Here is a short quote about Fuyu No Tsuki from a Japanese perspective: Fuyu No Tsuki has a pale tint that indicates a kind of coldness deep within—solemn and clear, a frame of mind.

Today, I would like to see a brief non-fiction account of your experience (not more than three tight paragraphs) related to Fuyu No Tsuki, the winter moon, followed by a Haiku that observes the standards of the form by including reference to a season.

To join in, simply link the URL of your Haibun to Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. Please include the dVerse link on your site and return to visit and comment on the work of other participants. This is a community. Help us to build it.

For more detailed information about this month’s lunar cycle, check out this website if you wish.

For dVerse Poets, this is Victoria, inviting you to enjoy the magic of our winter moon. 

Photo: Public Domain