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Ice-capped mountains. White boats. Ancestral forest. We inhaled the scenic view of Vancouver city while visiting family members last month. For  us, it was a time to reconnect after not seeing each other for two years. And we did with stories, jokes, recipes & late movie nights with popcorn.  In between sightseeing & enjoying asian cuisine, we rekindled memories & made plans for the next visit.  

Here in dVerse, we are lucky to have  this weekly opportunity to reconnect and bond over stories, verses, poetry forms and tools of the craft.   I find myself getting inspiration from reading poems and trying out different forms. So it was a treat to finally receive my copy of The dVerse Anthology book last Thursday. Over 90 poets, most of whom I am now familiar with, contributed to this collection edited by Frank Watson. And you know what was funny when I am thumbing through the 252 pages?   I imagine the pub coming to life – the clink of glasses, the conversations & laughter up the hallway.         

Have you ordered and received your copy?   If you have, please send us a picture of yourself with the book to dversepoets@gmail.com  and we will choose the most creative picture and feature the artist as a guest in our OLN or Pubtalk in September.    We also hope to make a collage of all the pictures we receive some time down the road so take a snap of yourself with the book or computer screen (if you have ordered the kindle copy).

Let’s get this party going! Welcome to OpenLinkNight everyone, this is Grace hosting another week of poetry reading.

If you are new here, let me tell you how it works:

  • Write a poem and post it to your webpage.
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and direct url/web address to your poem
  • There you will also find the list of those participating this week. You might want to refresh this occasionally or check back in as there are people joining over the next 33 hours.
  • Read other poets that have linked. Let them know what you thought, how the poem moved you, what you think of their style, what caught your attention.    Please don’t forget to return the favor of those who have visited and commented on your work.
  • Encourage others to participate through social media, promote your own piece and others.
  • Have fun meeting and engaging your fellow poets.  Smiles ~

Happy Tuesday to everyone ~  Grace