



Hello, fiery, fabulous poetical friends! WhimsyGizmo here (De Jackson.) It’s time again for my favorite prompt: the Quadrille. These little 44-word gems are just too much fun to write, and to read.

For today’s Quadrille challenge, I want you to include the word spark. Use it as a noun, or a verb. Make sparks fly, or spark an idea that sets fire to the page. Wanna sparkle, instead? Go right ahead. And watch what happens with a strategically placed hyphen:

Play around with it, and have some fun. Just make sure the root word “spark” is in there somewhere, and that your poem is exactly 44 words long (not including the title.)



New to the Q? Here’s how to play:

– Write a poem of exactly 44 words, including some form of the word spark. (sparks, sparking, sparked, even sparkle)
– Put your poem on your blog and link back to this post.
– Link it up to our Mr. Linky.
– Visit other blogs. Enjoy some amazing poets. Comment. Come back later this week and write another one, and visit some more. Comment some more. Let your creativity spark as many poems as you like. I’ll be reading all week.