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Greetings dVerse Poets and welcome to Open Link Night! This is Kim, Writing in North Norfolk, your host for the next couple of days.

I recently returned from a short trip to Venice with my husband, where I saw a lot of seagulls.

I find these birds fascinating. They are mostly found on the coast but often find their way inland, where they scavenge for food. I’ve heard of seagulls dive-bombing tourists and emptying out rubbish bins for chips (French fries) and other fast food. When I was teaching, lessons were often interrupted by seagulls squawking as they fought for left-over crusts in the playground.

The things I find enchanting about seagulls are the way they wheel and circle in the sky, their sorrowful calls to each other, and the flash of sunlight on their wings. I admit, I’ve been influenced by Richard Bach’s book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a copy of which I have owned since the seventies, and Joni Mitchell’s wonderful ‘Song to a Seagull’.  Here’s a link to the song on YouTube:

As most of you know, unless you’re a newcomer here, Open Link Night is when you choose any ONE poem of yours to share. There is no prompt and there are no specific instructions to follow. But if you’re lost for a theme, you could write a poem to a seagull!

Enjoy your time here and pay your fellow pub-goers a visit as everyone makes the rounds of reading and sharing.

Here is how you link your poem:

Write a poem on your blog.

Enter a link directly to your one poem and your name by clicking Mr Linky below.  There you will find links to other poets and more will join during the next 48 hours.

Read and comment on other poet’s work.  We all come here to have our poems read.

Please link back to dVerse from your site/blog.

Comment and participate in our discussion below, if you like. We are a friendly bunch of poets.
