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Lingering Day: Chijitsu

Dusk (along with sunrise) is such a special time of day when the sun edges its way over the earth’s horizon, but its light lingers for a while. And at this time of the year, in the North, the days lengthen while in the South they begin to sleep a little sooner. There is a magic about day’s end, a mood.

Photo: Victoria Slotto

A Japanese word, CHIJITSU, means LINGERING DAY, or LONG SPRING DAY: a Kigo that, in a way, can apply to both Spring and Autumn—one that invites poets from both hemispheres to write a Haibun from their unique perspective. That is our prompt for today’s Haibun. You may choose to use it in reference to a season, or even metaphorically.

To join in, write your poem and post it on your webpage. Copy the direct URL of your poem to Mr. Linky at the bottom of the page. Return to read and comment on the work of your fellow poets. Enjoy the poetry and friendship with your poet friends. Be happy!

This is Victoria, hosting tonight for our dVerse community of Poets. I hope this will inspire you to linger outside this evening to really experience the beauty of dusk. The dusk of life, for example, is rich with opportunity.

Ergo, because I have a book in me that nags me to write it, I’m choosing to “retire” again, this time from dVerse—as a team member, though not as a poet. I am grateful to have been a part of the team since the beginning in 2011. Thank you for your support and for sharing your unique creative gifts with me and this community.

Blessings. And, don’t forget this link is open all week.