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Hey there, you beautiful poetical souls! De Jackson (WhimsyGizmo) here, and it’s Quadrille Monday – when we pen poems of exactly 44 words, including one specific given word. Today, I would like you to play with the word cobble.

Cobblestones. Cobbled. Cobbling. Cobbler. Choose any form of the word you like, and imbed it in your poem. Meander your poem along some cobbled streets. Make shoes (isn’t that what cobblers do?) Or if you sway toward the culinary genius persuasion (I do not), check out this peach cobbler recipe for some delicious inspiration. Whatever you choose to do, cook it up in exactly 44 words, not including the title, and be sure to spice it just right with some form of the word cobble.

New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
Cobble together a poem of exactly 44 words (not counting the title), including some form of the word “cobble.” Link it up to Mr. Linky below, and then head out into cyberspace to encounter some of the world’s most amazing poets along these cobbled cyber-streets. The prompt is open all week, so come back for seconds!

(Image: Pinterest)