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Lillian here. Delighted to host dVerse today!

It’s January 8th  and on this day,

  • in 1835, the US national debt was zero for the first and only time
  • in 1935, American singer and actor, Elvis Presley was born
  • in 1942, English physicist and author, Stephen Hawking was born
  • in 1947, English singer-songwriter and actor, David Bowie was born
  • and holidays such as Panama’s Martyr’s Day, and Moldova’s Orthodox Christmas Day are celebrated
  • AND you get to hang with me at dVerse for my first prompt of 2019!

So – I’m looking around and trying to figure out what to do for a prompt. As I’m looking around, I’m noticing all the things literally hanging in my house: artwork, family portraits (recent and generations past), keys, clothes in our closets.

In our old country home years ago in Iowa, I often had strings of garlic, bunches of herbs, and antique cooking utensils hanging in our kitchen (kraut cutter, rolling pins, washboard, wooden spoons). For many years we had an old printer’s drawer hanging in our family room. Its little cubbies were filled with knickknacks, printer letters, a miniature glass pitcher, figurines of Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch, and my old roller skate key.

So – here’s what I’m asking you to do today. Walk around your house and look at all the things hanging there: on walls, in closets, on your refrigerator door, etc. Pick something that “speaks to you” and use that as the basis for today’s poem. Do take a photo of it if you can, and post the photo too. Perhaps your poem will describe the object; or share a memory about the object; or let us know why the object is important to you; or why it’s hanging there. Any form of poem is fine; serious or fun or reflective. The key is, we want to hang out with you today and learn about something hanging where you live!

For those of you new to dVerse, here’s what we hope everyone does:

  • Write a poem as the prompt suggests and post it with a corresponding photo, to your blog.
  • Click on Mr. Linky below to add your name and enter the direct URL to your poem
  • On your blog, please provide a link back to dVerse: perhaps a statement at the end of the poem indicating this prompt and linking to dVerse. Others use dVerse as a tag as well. This enables more folks to view our prompts, and thus increases the readers of your poems too.
  • If you promote your poem on social media, use the tag #dverse poets
  • And most importantly, please do stop by to read responses to the prompt and add a short comment or reaction. Everyone likes to be appreciated! The prompt is “live” for several days – as you’ll notice by the comments you’ll receive – so do stop by several times, and read some of the latecomers too!

Images found at pixabay.com


If anyone wants to write for this challenge in the form of a sonnet our Poetry Form challenge of sonnets is still open.