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Welcome to the Q! Mish here as your host.

I was thinking about the many versatile words previously offered up for our Quadrille challenges. We’ve crunched it, curled it, boxed it, rocked it, muddled and drizzled it, added a twist, spiced it up and spilled it…but we have never ever

steeped it ? Hmm…

So I give you the word “steep” to infuse into your poem of 44 words. Use it as a verb and let it percolate.


As an adjective, set your sights high.


OR you can incorporate it as a noun, “a steep place; declivity, as of a hill”. (dictionary.com)

Though the torrents from their fountains
Roar down many a craggy steep,
Yet they find among the mountains
Resting-places calm and deep.”

~ “Song for the Wandering Jew” ~ William Wordsworth


Try another form of the word. You can soak on these – steepish, steeply, steepness, steepened or create your own hyphenated concoction. I’m feeling a little “steep-deprived“, myself. Remember you are not required to use “steep” as the subject or theme of your poem (though you can). Just be sure to include the word “steep” in some form AND of course, your quadrille must be exactly 44 words, not including the title.

Aww….maybe you’re feeling a little unsteeped? After all, it is January. Let me pour you a good strong cuppa. Sit back and mull the possibilities.

Here’s how to join in:

  • Write a poem of exactly 44 words (excluding the title)  including the word “steep”.
  • Post it to your blog or website.
  •  Copy and paste the direct URL of the poem and your name into Mr. Linky.
  •  Post the link to dVerse on your blog and social media sites.
  •  Visit other poets’ work to read and comment.
  •  Return to read more. The prompt is open all week.
  •  Enjoy!