

Hello, writers of dVerse! Welcome to our second ever Prosery prompt!

dVerse has always been a place of poetry, but we decided it might be fun – and challenging – to try something a little different. The Prosery prompt starts with a line taken from a poem, and asks you to write a piece of flash fiction incorporating that line, in full, somewhere in the piece of prose. To make it a little more challenging there’s a word limit of 144 words.

Here in the UK we have a Poet Laureate – Simon Armitage was appointed to that post earlier this year. The second most prestigious poetry post in the country is the position of Oxford Professor of Poetry. Alice Oswald will take up that post later this year, and in celebration of that, I’m using a line from one of her poems.

It was a tough choice, but this line stood out for me, and I was intrigued to see what you lot would do with it:

I dreamt I was the moon

It’s taken from her poem “Full Moon”. I’m not printing it here, because I don’t want to influence your writing, but if you want to read it you can find it here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/49193/full-moon-56d22b0c02d2e.

The image is by David Levinson, originally published in The Times.

  • So, remember, this is prose, not poetry.
  • You have 144 words to tell your story.
  • Mr Linky still applies – don’t forget to link up.
  • Remember to read and comment on the work of others
  • And have fun!
