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What is the attraction of words? 

One Monday each month, it’s the careful collection of just 44 them (including one we provide) into a pithy little poem we call the Quadrille. And it’s that time again! 

De Jackson here, aka WhimsyGizmo, and for today’s Quadrille I want you to get out your poetical science kit and play with magnets.

Magnet. Magnetic. Magnetize. Speak to us of animal magnetism, or take us to a magnet school. You can even write a poem about the X-men character Magneto, if you’re so inclined.  

Make it a noun. Verb it. Adjective-fy it. Whatever form you choose, find your true north and pen us a poem of exactly 44 words, including some form of the word magnet. Make those poem particles sing! 

New to the Q? Here’s what to do: 
Polarize those poems! Pen us a poem of precisely 44 words, including some form of the word magnet. Post your poem on your own blog, and link up to us using the Mister Linky link below. Then feel yourself drawn to the amazing work of some incredible poets as you visit their blogs. The Q is up all week, so be sure to come back and read (and write) some more!