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Greetings, poets of endless possibility! De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) here. It’s Quadrille Monday again (my favorite!), when we write poems of exactly 44 words each, including a specific word provided. Today, I want you literally ponder the possibilities.

In this crazy year when things are constantly getting cancelled, restricted and restrained, let’s open up a poem window of possibility and let some sunshine in, shall we? 

When I was a little girl, I learned a song with these lyrics: 
I am a promise, I am a possibility
I am a promise, with a capital P. 
I am a great big bundle of potentiality!

You can use the word in any of its many forms: Possible. Possibly. Possibility. And who can resist the word impossible? There’s an imp built right in. Can it be a verb? You decide. What would it mean to possible a situation? Can you poss upon a star? Hyphens are fun, if you need ’em. And with a word like possible, you know we won’t limit your creativity! 

And just in case that little imp of doubt is already creeping in, here’s some inspiration from Blues Traveler:  

{All Things Are Possible

New to the Q? Here’s what to do: 
Scribble us a poem of possibility using just 44 words, including some form of the word possible. Hook it up to Mr. Linky below, and then head out into cyberspace to huddle up with some amazing poets as you read their work. The prompt is open all week, so the possibilities are endless!