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Happy Anniversary!!!  And to continue with our celebration, we have a special guest host, one of the co-founders of this community, Claudia Schoenfeld.

Wait, I have to wash my hands and take off my shoes because… oh dear…. too late.
I have to clean up that mess before one of the pub owners show up 😉

I don’t know about you, but I love gardens – and gardening myself.
There’s so much magic in all that change and life and things to discover.

I have a patch where I grow vegetables, which is pretty chaotic but AWESOME!!
And then there’s a pond with sea roses and dragon flies and all kinds of tiny creatures that seem to be from another time.

Just sitting on a bench in ANY garden to me is wondrous and beautiful.

So are you in for a bit of garden poetry writing?

Write about your own, your neighbour’s or your city’s garden – or one that only exists in your imagination. Write about harvest, growth, decay – where ever the word “garden” takes you.

Have fun!
I’ll be around to read what you’ve come up with.

Oh – and by the way, did you paint the pub walls? I like the new colour!
The smell though is still the same – after all these years – nice.
And did you put the flowers on the tables because of the gardening theme? No – I guess you always do.

It’s nice to be here.

See you around!

Here’s how to join in:
  • Write a poem based on the writing challenge as described above. Post it on your blog or website.
  • Enter your name and direct link to your poem in Mr. Linky.
  • Remember to check the box re: privacy policy.
  • Follow the links to other poets. Read and comment on other poems.  We all appreciate feedback on our poems.
  • Link back to dVerse so others can find us too.
  • Have fun!