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Hello and welcome back to the Q! Mish here bringing you more fun with 44 words.

Through my front window, I’ve been watching the spectacles of winter and nature. My yard is rather park-like where many creatures take up residence. The neighbour across the road has been feeding the squirrels their daily peanuts which they then scurry over to bury……or…….not. It’s interesting to observe them as they begin to dig and then lose focus….the peanut scent tempting their little peanut brains into

…..oh …..hmmm…


just a nibble.

Image: pixabay.com

I don’t mind this activity, though my grass is a bit holey and then of course, there are those scattered peanut shells. No, what I don’t appreciate is their persistence in clambering up my beloved bird feeder to steal sunflower seeds. They will climb, soar, stretch, dangle, anything they can to reach them. They just look at me blankly when I tap angrily on the window. They have defied the Vicks VapoRub on the pole, although I did see one practicing a fireman’s descent with incredible skill and record timing. All for a nibble.

My son gave me a small water gun for Christmas hoping some behaviour modification would be the answer. They jump before I can aim. This is followed by frantic blasts of water arcing into nothing but snow and trees. Then I find myself in an unusual stare down with a rodent who thinks because I am human there will be peanuts. I think I’m scaring the neighbours more than the squirrels. The dilemma continues to nibble at my patience.

Would you like to nibble at some poetry? Add the word or form of the word, nibble to your poem of 44 words, not including the title. A culinary theme is fine but certainly not required. There are many things to nibble on.

To join in:

  • Write a quadrille as described and post it on your blog or website.
  • Enter your name and direct link to your poem in Mr. Linky.
  • Follow the links to other poets. Read, comment and come back later as the prompt is open all week.
  • Provide a link to dVerse so others can find us too.
  • Drop in to say hello in our discussion below.
  • Have fun!