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Image Courtesy: Brooke Lark, Macarons beside teacup, Unsplash

Sanaa here (aka adashofsunny)

Today, we are running LIVE for the first one hour of the bar i.e. from 3PM to 4PM EST. If you wish to join in to read out your poem, just link up, and you will be called upon to do so in respective order. Here is the link below:


We are using Google Meet, which means that you should be able to click on the link and run it in the browser, but if that doesn’t work download the app and run it on your Smartphone or Tablet.

I recommend that you use a headset for the best experience, and please mute your microphone when you are not talking.

The month of May always puts me in the mind of warmer temperatures, blooming flowers and fresh beginnings of Summer. And so, I share with you below a poem by William Wordsworth:

Ode, Composed on a May Morning

While from the purpling east departs
The star that led the dawn,
Blithe Flora from her couch upstarts,
For May is on the lawn.
A quickening hope, a freshening glee,
Foreran the expected Power,
Whose first-drawn breath, from bush and tree,
Shakes off that pearly shower.

All Nature welcomes Her whose sway
Tempers the year’s extremes;
Who scattereth lustres o’er noon-day,
Like morning’s dewy gleams;
While mellow warble, sprightly trill,
The tremulous heart excite;
And hums the balmy air to still
The balance of delight.

Time was, blest Power! when youth and maids
At peep of dawn would rise,
And wander forth, in forest glades
Thy birth to solemnize.
Though mute the song—to grace the rite
Untouched the hawthorn bough,
Thy Spirit triumphs o’er the slight;
Man changes, but not Thou!

Read full poem (Here)

Amazing, isn’t he? Do let me know what your reading preferences are during the month of May in the comment section below. For now, let us link up one poem!

I look forward to welcoming you on Google Meet.