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Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com


***This week’s Open Link Night (Thursday, 5 January) is the usual link one poem of your choice night. BUT COMING UP and
New TO dVerse in 2023: We will offer OLN LIVE on Thursday, January 19th from 3 to 4 PM EST . . . AND on Saturday, January 21st from 10 to 11 AM EST. Mark your calendars now! More information forthcoming

Happy New Year, dVerse poets! Welcome new and returning poets. I hope you’ve all had a pleasant break, whether celebrating or not, and keeping warm or cool, depending on where you are. We are a diverse group!

Here is my gift to you: a link to this poem by Jo Harjo for the new year.

In case you’re new, let me introduce myself. I’m Merril, and I live in southern New Jersey, right across the Delaware River from Philadelphia.

Today is the first Poetics prompt of the year. In Poetics, we write to a theme of some sort.

At the end of the year, there are many lists put out of best of this or that. I noticed this New York Times list of best podcasts of 2022. I confess I have not listened to any of them, but unlike the lists of books that had too many wordy, unwieldy titles, the podcast titles can easily be inserted into a poem. To make it an even ten, I’m adding the title of the first podcast I remember listening to, “Serial,” as well as “This American Life,” and my very favorite podcast, “Ghosts in the Burbs.” Yes, you know where this is going.

So. . .from the list below, choose at least two titles, and write a poem including the exact words of the titles within the poem. The word order of the title must be retained, but you can punctuate the longer ones. The poem can be in any style or form, and you may also use a podcast title for your own title, if you would like.

Easy-peasy, right? I’m giving you prompt words. Now all you have to do is write a poem using them.

The Titles:

Articles of Interest: American Ivy

I Was Never There

Legacy of Speed

Not Lost


Reveal: After Ayotzinapa

Rumble Strip


This American Life

Ghost in the Burbs

If you’re new, here’s how to participate in Tuesday Poetics:

*Write a poem based on the writing challenge as described above. Post it on your blog or website.
*Enter your name and direct link to your poem in Mr. Linky.
*Remember to check the box re: privacy policy.
*Follow the links to other poets. Read and comment on other poems. We all appreciate feedback on our poems.
*Link back to dVerse so others can find us too.
*Have fun!