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Source: Wikimedia Commons

Floating in the breeze,
A single butterfly.

~Masaoka Shiki, Japanese poet, author, 1867-1902

Hello Dear Poets and Welcome to Haibun Monday!

Linda here,  and I will be your host today. The specials on the menu today will be Blue Moon Belgian White with a fresh orange slice, and spicy chicken wings to accompany it. We also have our regular fare, so just ask! Spring has almost come and gone in many areas, so today we will be writing a haibun about Late Spring.

Here in Arizona, this is another one of those perfect times of year. The desert is alive with blooming cactus and wildflowers and is a spectacular sight. We have had more than our fair share of rain down south and snow up north and as a result, our desert is relishing the spring run-off and rewarding us with an amazing display of color. Just as California is experiencing a superbloom, so are we. 

For those of you new to haibun, here are some general guidelines:

What Are the Main Characteristics of a Haibun Poem?

Subject matter for a haibun poem varies, however, the prose section is often dedicated to the unfolding of a scene (a memory, a particular landscape, or special moment). The prose section often consists of a few brief paragraphs written in an imagistic style (known as haikai), and normally portrays the selected scene in an objective manner. Which is why most haibun poems are written in first-person or third-person perspective.

The closing haiku appears at the end of the composition, though sometimes it can be placed in the middle, and is a thematic conversation with the prose section. It either serves as a closing statement, juxtaposition between ideas, or a philosophical innuendo that deepens the meaning of the poem.

Source: The poetrycove.com

If you are new, here’s how to join in:

  • Write a haibun inspired by Late Spring. 
  • Enter a link directly to your haibun along with your name by clicking Mr Linky below and remember to check the little box to accept the use/privacy policy.
  • You will find links to other poets and more will join, so check back later to read.
  • Read and comment on other poets’ work–we all come here to have our poems read.
  • Please link back to dVerse from your site/blog.
  • Have fun!