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Hello poets, 

Björn here

As many say autumn is here, but there are still those warm days. Last weekend I went to Bavaria for the weekend to visit a friend working in Rosenheim. 

It was still very warm with temperatures reaching almost 30 Centigrades. We spent the long weekend walking in the Austrian mountains and on Saturday we went to the big “Herbstfest” which is the autumn fest. You have probably heard about the Octoberfest which is the big event in Münich. 

I managed to get hold of a pair of lederhosen which turned out to be a must for the big party if you are a man (ladies wear dirndls). I returned to a much colder Sweden and I think we are now having the last lingering days of summer which is set to end soon.


Now for the event. You can link up your one poem down below just like any other Open Link Night, but if you decide to join the live event we are open for you to meet with us either at 3PM EST Thursday or on Saturday at 10 AM CET.

I am trying to add a link to show you the time when the event starts if it helps you.

Join for Thursday Event: https://meet.google.com/irv-vuvf-cwb?authuser=0&hs=122
Join for Saturday Event: https://meet.google.com/yos-bvyd-snc?authuser=0&hs=122

Remember to read an comment on the poems linked up below just like any other event. No prompt but please link back to dVerse, and have fun.