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Oh, glorious Tuesday! What would we poets do if not for you? My name is Natasha Head, and I am here to welcome you back to OpenLinkNight.

Our growth, our evolution, has been fantastic! Each week, we see our numbers grow, our followers increase, and best of all, our craft improve.  It is so fantastic to watch each and everyone of you get louder and prouder each week!  To see you get comfortable, with your pen, and this community.  I know personally, you folks have made me do things I would have never dreamed! I am hoping, that we are providing the same for you.

We write these words each week to share, but we also write them with our own motives.  I am sharing a difficult piece, as I watch a small town struggle to come to terms with an incredible loss.  This is why I write, to work through this often overwhelming world, and to keep a little bit of the light that so many seem to want to smother.  Poets, you are my light! You are what gives me faith in this existence, and I have come to rely heavily on your words, your conversation and your company. I want you to know just how much you are appreciated, and just how much your words matter.

Together, we will make a difference…Power to the Poets and the words that fuel our pens.  I’m dedicating this week…to all of YOU! Thanks you so very much for sharing your hearts, your minds, your shoulders, and your words!

Here’s how to lend your voice..

  • Post a poem to your blog. (Just one….resist the urge, poets!) Feel free to include a link back to dVerse on your post.  It’s all in the name of spreading the poetry love!
  • Using the Mr. Linky box above, copy and paste the URL of your post, enter your name, and click submit! There, you’re in!
  • Using the same Mr.Linky, click on other submitted pieces. Comment on those that grab you, let the other poets know you have visited. We are community, and engaging with each other helps to keep that spirit alive and thriving.
  • Tweet, share, and spread the words! Let’s bring poetry back to the spotlight it once enjoyed. We are the recorders, the observers, we are snapshots of our world, where we’re at, where we’ve been and where we’re heading.
  • Most of all…enjoy what is fast becoming the place to be for poetry lovers and readers alike! We are dVerse! We are poetry in motion!