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“Button,” he says and I know this means he is mad, it’s our code word for when he needs help controlling it & I know this is going to be rough, but we will make it.

My mom used to keep a jar of buttons on the piano, never know when you might need one. In the drawer by the phone was a spool of thread and in moments she would fix you right up.

We would take the jar & spill them across the floor. Each one was a world to explore in various colors and textures & looking through their little holes was a window to some place else.

Don’t you wish you had one of those EASY buttons….sometimes.

My name is Brian Miller and I will be your host for Poetics today and we are writing about buttons. Maybe someone pressed yours today and you just need to get it out. Maybe you have a child or grandchild that is cute as a button. The possibilities are endless with this one, so have fun with it.

(On a side note: I may be slow visiting today because of a massive storm that hit my city last night. We are not sure when we will have power again, but I will be around as I can though.)

If you are new here, welcome, let me tell you how this works:

  • Write your ‘button’ poem and post it to your webpage.
  • Click on the Mr Linky button below and enter the direct URL to the poem and your name.
  • Visit others that have posted. We are a community not a bunch of self centered poets.
  • Get the word out. Facebook, Tweet…whatever your social media choice.
  • Have fun!

Look forward to seeing you out on the trail! ~Brian