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Several years back, I had this boss who would raise one finger in the air and then rotate his other hand around it.

‘This is me and (the other) everything else revolves around me,’ he would say.

While there are several ways you can go with this story and pride, I think we all realize life does not work that way. We were never created to try and live this life alone. And very few people that ever accomplish much can truly say they did it on their own.

For dVerse Poets, that is surely the case.

When I first came up with the idea and sent it to Claudia, I knew we would need quite a few people to make this really successful. Over several weeks we assembled a team, many of which had never worked together—but it did not take long for us to realize we had a tremendous group.

And over the year we have had several from the original team that stepped away to pursue other endeavors – Luke Prater, Sheila Moore, Mark Kerstetter – and added several great additions as well. Our current team is listed on the d’Team page.

Everyone on our team or that has served on our team has invested countless hours in prepping articles, providing critique, commenting, modifying pictures, writing poetry or coordinating guest hosts. It is not easy. They don’t get paid. They volunteer.

Today, I want to celebrate all those that have served, on staff or as a guest. Without you, we would not be here. I consider it an honor to serve with you and appreciate your willingness to give to the lives of poets around the world.

As you link in your poems and head out on the trail…if you happen upon one of our pub tenders – either current or presently retired – please thank them – they are pretty amazing.

They are all humble enough not to want the spotlight, so any uncomfortableness can be blamed on me. Smiles.

If you are new, welcome to the first OpenLinkNight of our second year, here is how it works:

  • Post a poem to your blog or webpage. (old or new…it does not matter)
  • Copy the address of the specific blog post
  • Click the Mr. Linky button below. Here you are provided a form to enter your name, as well as the post address. Enter them both & click submit…you’re in!
  • Mr. Linky stores the addresses of all Poets who are joining in. Here you can visit and share any poems you choose. We are about community, and sharing the good work of the poets who share their hearts and minds with us. Tweet, share, like and love.
  • We grow when we engage. Talk to the poets, comment, share, foster relationships along with stronger pens. The talent that so freely gives of itself here, each and every week, is amazing. There are so many to learn from, so many you could help.
  • Most importantly…have fun!

See you out on the trail ~ Brian Miller