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I was on my way to Florida on business, wedged in one of the chairs built for people much smaller than average and reading a book. I don’t remember what it was at this point. Then the bottom fell out.

We began descending at a rapid rate and much too early to be arriving, kissing the runway we were asked to take everything and exit. Walking into the terminal, a surreal picture dominated the television…a plane slamming into a building—and then black—as if the power went out, the picture was gone.

Cell phones were pointless—fast busy, fast busy—but occasionally someone got through and word rippled around the clusters of people that riddled ever bit of floor—an endless game of telephone. We passed time taking luggage off the conveyor and building small walls of suitcases—they kept coming.

4…5…6 hours…and finally i got a rental car, drove to Columbus, GA, an hour away, and as I got off the exit saw tanks in the streets. It would be a week before I got home to my family, watching reports in a hotel room—going to the local office each day to hear stories as people stumbled in—lending more ears than money.

Hard to believe it’s been eleven years and we all have a story.

Before we start up the poetry, I want to take just a moment to remember—a moment of silence if you will for all the lives lost, all the heroes, not only that day but everyday around our world.

Welcome to OpenLinkNight everyone, my name is Brian Miller and I will be your host this evening and I hope that as we share our poetry today not only can we remember but celebrate the life we have been given—what a gift—treat it as such.

Everything changes in a moment.

If you are new here, let me tell you how this works:

  • post a poem on your webpage or blog
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and url and click enter.
  • This is also where you will find the list of those that have also joined in—read, comment, meet new people—let people know what you think of their verse.
  • Feel free to share your link and a link to dverse using the social media of your choice.
  • Enjoy your time

If you have any questions, let me know…i will be seeing you out on the trail. ~Brian