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dverselogoI could tell you how cold it is here, but I imagine the Canadians might laugh at me. We are in the midst of a cold front and my kitten won’t stop telling me about it. He does not like staying inside. I can’t say I blame him.

My neighbor was burning brush last night. The orange flames danced in the shadows of the trees between us. Every time we open the door the air tastes of the smoke, not in an overpowering way but one that warms the lungs and the back of your tongue.

Snow from last week still gathers in piles, hiding from the sun. Holding out. A resistance. My son won’t eat the oranges my wife bought because they are blood oranges. We played Legos on Monday as we were off for the holiday. My oldest built snails, my youngest a home. We ate lettuce wraps for dinner.

In this quick snapshot of the last 24 hours, without even touching on the emotions of any one moment, there are countless poems just waiting to be given meaning, spun as a metaphor or just captured.

Inspiration is all around us, just waiting to be noticed.

Welcome to OpenLinkNight, my name is Brian Miller and I will be your host this evening. Yes you are not seeing double, I did host Pretzel yesterday as well—it’s a funny thing that happens in the scheduling ever once in a while.

If you missed Pretzels, you might want to drop back here in a bit and take a look. We have some exciting announcements this week and next…But enough, let get this poetry thing going…we are here to celebrate the word & those that pen them.

If you are new here, let me tell you how it works:

  • Write a poem and post it to your webpage.
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and direct url/web address to your poem
  • There you will also find the list of those participating this week. You might want to refresh this occasionally or check back in as there are people joining over the next 33 hours.
  • Read other poets that have linked. Let them know what you thought, how the poem moved you, what you think of their style, what caught your attention.
  • Encourage others to participate through social media, promote your own piece and others.
  • Have fun.

It’s a good day for poetry, i will see you out on the trail. ~Brian