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dandelion /pic by c. schoenfeld

dandelion /pic by c. schoenfeld

Naturally, I’m  not a Let-Go type of person. On the contrary, I’m more a Jacob-kind of “I wrestle hard and won’t let go until you bless me” or the “Defending the fort with a sword in hand until the last man falls around me” sort —ha.

I think it has something to do with my childhood (see, you can blame your childhood for everything—smiles)

But I find it hard to let go which surely has its good sides as well. For example, if my boss gives me a project at work, he knows, he can lean back and come rain or shine and no matter what wheels I have to turn and how hard it may get, I will fight through it and present him the results he asked for.


There are times when it’s wise to let go, to sit back and let things develop their natural?? way.

Times when we put Moses out in a basket on the water and trust that things will flow the way they’re supposed to.

Does this give you an uneasy feeling–?

It surely gives me an uneasy feeling and I think for most of us, it doesn’t come so easy–

We have to let go of our kids, even when they’re still small, we let go in small steps. We may have to let go of dreams, career, hopes, friends, our partner—we shouldn’t hold them too tight anyway I think— give those around us room to breathe— (this says someone who needs lots of space to breathe and can’t stay on an island that is smaller than Manhattan without feeling closed in—ha—smiles)

But then, do we let go too easily sometimes?

It’s a relief when we can let go of fears, expectations, addictions, habits, break free from well-worn paths to start something new maybe

So for today, I’d love to ask you to write about the ART of Letting Go—whatever this means to you, the fights that come with it, the relief when we manage, how we get our hands free for new things, the fear or emptiness/loneliness but also the joy that comes with it—just grab a pen and write— wherever it takes you—


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  • Write your poem and post it to your blog
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and url and click enter.
  • This is also where you will find the list of those that have also joined in—visit others, read, comment, meet new people—let people know what you think of their verse.
  • Feel free to share your link and a link to dverse using the social media of your choice.
  • Most of all… have fun..let go.. breathe deep..