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OpenLinkNight ~  Week 82Tell all the Truth but tell it slant…
Emily Dickinson

That’s the title and first line of one of my favorite poems by the Belle of Amherst. It has become a mantra for me as a writer and as a man.

I’m Joe Hesch, and I’ll be hosting this week’s Open Link Night.

Maybe you’ve never noticed how often I stand at this end of the bar and never at the other.

Or maybe you’ve seen me in the middle of the bar, halfway between the ends, after I open the joint. This big old slab of shiny walnut is slanted down from the left end to the right. I can slide a frosty mug of beer from down here all the way to Brian way down there. If I’m in the middle, I can still slide a cold one down to the right (sorry no martinis or cosmos, ladies), but I have to schlepp them up the other end.

You may think it’s your artistic enthusiasm only that speeds you from the front door to the bar each week, where place your order and share your poems. Nope. Floor is slanted toward me.

I take out my hearing aids so you have to slant over the bar to convey your order and conversation into my ear. Okay, that’s an old trick I learned in college to get girls to put their mouths close to my ear. That’s still an angle, amiright?

I guess the bottom line is we all come to poetry–and Open Link Night–with our own slants on life, love, sadness, nature, you name it. And they are our creative hearts’ and soul’s truths. It’s a great thing we do, making the real from the imaginary and turning the imaginary into a form of reality.

And that’s my slant on things this Open Link Night. I once thought about making everyone who attended OLN when I was ram-rodding the bar wear roller skates, just to see them approach like a wave when I opened the doors. But then most of you would be bunched up against one another here at the bar and we’d get nothing done, like posting poems. You know how we do that, right?

• Link the poem you’d like to share (1 per blog, please) by clicking on the Mr.Linky button just below.

• This opens a new screen where you’ll enter your information, and where you also choose links to read. Once you have pasted your poem’s blog URL and entered your name, simply click submit.

• Don’t forget to let your readers know where you’re linking up (I so often forget until about 5:30 PM Eastern Time.) and encourage them to participate by including a link to dVerse in your blog post.

• Visit as many other poems as you like, commenting as you see fit. Remember that this is how we connect with those who can support and encourage us, and for whom we provide the same vital benefits.

• Spread the word. Feel free to tweet and share on the social media of your choice.

• Finally, enjoy! Remember, we are here for each other. Engage your fellow poets, talk, chat, comment, let them know their work is being read, and enjoy the input you also will receive.

Oh, gosh, I forgot. It was rude of me to quote dear Emily and not give the rest of her poem.

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise

As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind –