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dverselogoGrowing up, I had a friend—Charlie. He was one of those guys you just had to hang around long enough and you knew something crazy was going to happen. There was the night four of us sang to our waitress at a pizza parlor—only to find out her boyfriend was the cook, and carried a very big butcher knife. Another night we went to Goodwill and bought the zaniest outfits we could find (fitting was not a concern) and went to the minor league baseball game to put on a little act.

Mud bogging in a four door sedan. The night, at 3 AM, when the knocking on my window did not wake me up, but my dad went outside with the shotgun while Charlie hid under the car. Setting the table with the fine china at a friends house, while he and his family slept upstairs.

Charlie got me to do things I never would have done on my own.

Don’t get me wrong, I was a willing participant. Smiles. This is part of the magic of OpenLinkNight. Every week when I read, you inspire me. If you read, you will be inspired. There is always someone that tries something new. A new way of saying something. A perspective. A word. A rhyme. A rhythm. Something that challenges me to try it.

My name is Brian Miller and tonight I will be your host—fresh off a week break—and ready to get this poetry thing on…

Here is how it works:

  • Write  ~  a poem, post it to your web page
  • Link  ~  by clicking on the Linky button below and entering the URL to your poem
  • Read  ~  pick some poems to read
  • Respond  ~ leave them feedback, what did you like? what inspired you?

Hey, anyone can do that eh? If you can do those things—welcome, we are glad to have you. Smiles. I will look for you out on the trail! ~Brian