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dverselogoWelcome to week 100 everyone! Wow, can you believe we are just a month away from being open 2 full years….time flies.

100 Tuesdays…around 15000 poems…and 100s & 100s of poets…have graced the virtual halls of our pub…even now i hear the echoes in the walls…

Personally, I want to thank all those that make this a special place…

the pub tenders…those currently serving…and those prior…that have given their time, art, attention, encouragement and counsel…

the poets that each week bring their voice and then take the time to invest in the lives of others who link in…

you are the magic that is dVerse Poets…

Claudia & i were talking earlier this week about how special 100 is…we actually invited the President of The Poetry Institute to share a few words…they just celebrated 100 years…i mean, we are almost the same you know…smiles…never heard back from him…

100 is 1 more…than 99…smiles…and as long as we keep one more in our sights…we are good…so next week, we will celebrate 101…

Claudia, what do you have to add?

Step by step – I like that – smiles

Just recently I said that when I go to an exhibition, I don’t just look at the paintings but I’m also interested in the person behind the paintings, their story, the way how their art developed, what people they met along the way.

The big painters inspired each other and touched each others lives. And that gives just such a wonderful dynamic and also makes a big difference compared to if each of them had just done their own thing in an isolated place.

I think we do the same here, and that’s what I love in the pub and why I’m so proud that we made it to OLN 100 already… wow.. you all inspire me, you challenge me, you put the bar high sometimes and… you make me smile.. I like that…smiles

Thanks for sharing you poetry, your story and also your time with us so freely and open minded..

So Bri, where’s Gandalf with the firework now… ? smiles

Happy OLN 100!

If you are new here, this is how it works:

  • Write a poem and post it on your website
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter the direct URL to your poem
  • Visit others—that is what makes dverse work…don’t drop a link & run…you’ll miss it
  • Promote yourself & dverse on social media use @dversepoets or #OpenLinkNight so we can find you
  • Have fun

From all of us to all of us…much love….see you out on the trail. ~Brian & Claudia