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One hour.  What a difference one hour can make.   For us in North America, the clock was turned back one hour Sunday morning.

Driving to work, this means I have the morning sun instead of darkness of the cold autumn.  During the past weeks, in my 45 min. drive to Toronto city, I witnessed the dramatic change of light and color, from purple night sky to brilliant shade of orange & pink from the rising sun.

One hour.  What difference does this mean to your writing ?  Are you able to write productively in terms of quantity and quality?  Or are you one of those who write better under pressure specially with the time constraints ?

Some of us who are working full time (like me) know the time limitations of writing poetry.   Specially when the field we are working in is a different discipline like science or finance or law.   For myself, I tend to write “better” when I have a deadline or a schedule to follow.  Oftentimes my inspiration comes at night or early morning before work. I wish I have more time for writing leisurely but we make our own choices & live with it.

Well it is time for another OpenLinkNight here in D’Verse.   Welcome everyone and make yourself comfortable.   Grace here hosting for this round of poetry reading.

If you are new here, let me tell you how it works:

  • Write a poem and post it to your webpage.
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and direct url/web address to your poem
  • There you will also find the list of those participating this week. You might want to refresh this occasionally or check back in as there are people joining over the next 33 hours.
  • Read other poets that have linked. Let them know what you thought, how the poem moved you, what you think of their style, what caught your attention.    Please don’t forget to return the favor of those who have visited and commented on your work.
  • Encourage others to participate through social media, promote your own piece and others.
  • Have fun meeting and engaging your fellow poets.

Happy Tuesday to everyone ~  Grace