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Photo: Jay Stebbins

Photo: Jay Stebbins


Here in the Northern Hemisphere we enjoy, or, perhaps, endure the dog days of summer…those sultry days of July and August when the temperatures top out. Originally named by the Romans for the dates when Sirius rose before or at the same time as the sun, the constellation was blamed for the sometimes unbearable heat and, prior to the star’s expected arrival, they sacrificed a red dog.

When we think of dog days, we may remember “Summertime, and the living is easy…”, though it seems that in our hurried, frenetic culture, that is illusory. But it’s all the more important for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to carve out those moments of leisure.


I remember an assignment in my college philosophy course in which we were called upon to consider and write an essay defining for ourselves the difference between leisure and work. I chose music—a skill I once had, which—I’m ashamed to admit—went dormant many years ago. This creative endeavor, I believe, can be either work or leisure.

When gearing up for a performance, practicing those scales or arpeggios, and then actually playing for an audience, music can be stressful. It’s work. But how relaxing it is to sit down at the piano or pick up the sax and allow the emotions to drive the sounds and riffs, to use notes as a paintbrush or a lump of clay to express one’s deepest self?! And so it is with poetry.

Welcome to Open Link Night! No prompt to worry about today. No form to comply with. Just wonderful words for you to play with, to enjoy, to arrange as you will. So, “…spread your wings, and take to the sky!”

And to those of you in the clenches of winter, dive in anyway. After all, poets are masters and mistresses of the memory and the imagination.

For dVerse Poets’ Pub, this is Victoria Slotto, hosting Open Link Night for the first time.

To join us:
• Grab a pen or pencil and write that poem, then post it on your blog or website;
• Copy the direct URL of your post into the Mr. Linky at the bottom of this page along with your name;
• Come on back to the pub and sip some poetry. Please take time to comment on the work of your fellow poets;
• Broadcast the fact that we are here through your social media networks;
• But most of all—have fun.

By the way, folks, if you missed Brian’s post on Monday, please take a look! You are invited to submit poems for an Anthology published by dVerse for dVerse! Check out the details here.

Rebecca Ricks

The quotes from the beautiful, sultry song, “Summertime,” are the composition of George Gershwin, from the American opera, “Porgy and Bess,” 1935. The song and the performance in the video are the property of the composer and the performers. Performed by Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. All rights reserved.