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Last night, the high school where I teach had homecoming. It has been an all week event, with spirit week leading up to the football game and the dance. Monday was “Wacky Tacky” day and everyone dressed in the craziest outfits. Wednesday was “Unity Day” and everyone wore Orange, for bullying prevention. Thursday was “Diapers vs Canes” and with a little theatrical make up and a stoop, I aged about 40 years.

Last night, our football team, who had not won a game all year, finally got it together and destroyed our opponent 48-6 in front of the largest crowd of the year. Hundreds of alumni returned for the game and I saw students that I had not seen in three years. I met babies, born to my students.

And then we danced. And for as rough as this last stretch has been at school, the students did a very nice job. Only one minor altercation and a bunch of people worn out when it became midnite.

As OLN opens, I will be leaving the University of Virginia home coming game against UNC. (So I will be just a bit late tending bar—cause it’s about an hour from home).

Homecoming is a time of reconnecting, seeing faces we have not seen in a while—and everyone is excited to see each other.

This time of year, with the holidays is often like a homecoming. Life slows down. We gather around the table. We see family we see no other time of year.

OLN can be like that too. A time when we see faces we have not in a while. So have fun mingling, checking in on some poets that you have not seen in a while—maybe get a little poetic dance in, and revel in all that is poetry & those that are behind it.

If you are new:

  • Write a poem, post it to your blog or webpage
  • Click on Mr Linky below and enter your name and web address (url) of your poem
  • Visit others, let them know what you think of their poem.
  • Have fun.

See you after the game—wish us luck! Smiles.  ~Brian