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Welcome to Poetics! And happy Easter weekend to those of you celebrating and for the rest I hope it is a beautiful Spring day.

Today, I am featuring the photographic art of a blog friend Tracey Grumbach. She has originally sent these to me to write about, but has graciously opened it up to our whole dVerse family.

Tracey hails from Maryland, a former home to me and has recieved a bit of acclaim for her works as well. Just jump over to her site to see some more goodness.

So here is how this works:

  • write poem based on one of these pictures and post it to your webpage.
  • be sure to include credit to Tracey for the image
  • Click the Mr. Linky buttom below and enter your name and direct url to the post.
  • Read what others wrote based on the prompt.

Reminder: If you post a poem that does not reference one of Tracey’s pictures, your link will be deleted. We have been culling those that do not post to the prompt already, but in case you were wondering why you were getting no visits. There you have it.

Have a great Saturday. ~Brian