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Welcome to OpenLinkNight everyone, my name is Brian Miller and I will be your pub tender for this evening. Let the verse flow free!

If you see me moving a bit slow today, I got in a 3 AM this morning, the muscles in my back are tight as rubber bands and I have quite a few bruises from the events of last night.

Before you think I have been hitting the pub in real life, it was a work related emergency that kept me out until the wee hours of the morning. I do counseling with kids and when you get one of these calls after hours, you kinda know its not really going to be a fun night.

Another thing you realize is that it is probably not going to be one of those situations you rush into, slap a band aid on and get home in time to see the series finale you waited all week to see…thank goodness for DVR, eh.

You take your time to really understand what is going on.

Poetry is a oppositional teenager. Sure you can skim across the surface of a poem, then leave a very superficial comment and you may be right, but in most cases you will miss the richness buried within.

That being said, I hope as you are visiting tonight, you take the time to enjoy what your fellow poetry slingers are saying. Le them know how it affected you, what you liked. And you know what, your interpretation may still not be right, but i think that just adds to it when you can see an angle even the writer had not considered.

So lets get to this, if you are new:

  • Post a poem to your blog,
  • Link your poem to dVerse (1 per blog, please) by clicking on the Mr. Linky button below.
  • This opens a new screen where you’ll enter your information, and where you also choose links to read. Once you have pasted your poem’s blog URL and entered your name, click Submit. Don’t worry if you don’t see your name right away.
  • Don’t forget to let your readers know where you’re linking up and encourage them to participate by including a link to dVerse in your blog post.
  • Visit as many other poems as you like or can, commenting as you like or can, as well.
  • Spread the word on the poems you enjoy if you’d like. Feel free to tweet and share on the social media of your choice.

Have a great evening everyone, I will see you out on the trail. ~Brian