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Last Christmas, I received a book….one i found prior and had asked for, because it intrigued me…titled 6 Billion Others. The book is part of a project to capture portraits from around the world, ask key questions and discover what it is that brings us together….and what separates us. It is fascinating to look at all the faces and read one to two line viewpoints. Already an updated version, 7 Billion Others, has been released and it’s on my list as well.

I love people.

It is amazing the number of people we pass each day and the stories that they carry just waiting for someone to ask them. And if talking to strangers is not your thing, just watch them. People are quirky, funny, heartbreaking, encouraging just to watch as they do their thing….and live.

Two lovers on a park bench. A homeless man under a tree. Kids on a playground. Everyone standing in line at the grocery. 7 billion people on a spinning ball of dirt.

Today, we are going to capture just a few of them. Get your notebook and a pen and get out! Go find someone and write about them. Look out your window at your neighbor (who really needs a belt) as he works on the car. Catch a young couple in their first kiss. Our topic is PEOPLE or PEOPLE WATCHING…and they are out there waiting for you to make them famous. Ha.

You never know what you might catch them doing…and I am looking forward to seeing what you see.

If you are new here:

  • Write a poem based on the prompt and post it to your website
  • Enter your name and direct URL by clicking on the Mr. Linky button below
  • This is where you will find everyone else as well that has written, all in one convenient place for you to visit! Cause seriously, that is what it is all about—growing and learning and encouraging one another.
  • Have fun!

Special Announcement: Later this week we have a treat in store for you, our newest pub tender will be up for Meeting the Bar. The extremely talented Anna Montgomery will be joining the team. If you have read her then you know her creativity is off the charts…so I am looking forward to where she takes us.

Thanks for playing along with us, it’s great seeing you today and I look forward to seeing you out on the trail. ~Brian