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dverselogoIt’s the small things..

Sunday afternoon and spring at last.
Been walking, biking, preparing my trip to Berlin, and now I just sit on the terrace, listen to the birds and last week’s pressure falls off.

I listen to the kids, playing soccer in the street, church bells call for the evening mass, faint sound of cars on the nearby highway, a plane leaves a long white trail in the spring blue sky, the bees hum, it’s peaceful and these Joseph von Eichendorff words jump to my mind…

“Und meine Seele spannte
Weit ihre Flügel aus,
Flog durch die stillen Lande,
Als flöge sie nach Haus” –Joseph von Eichendorff

And, oh, my soul extended
its wings through skies to roam:
O’er quiet lands suspended,
my soul was flying home. (translation by Walter A. Aue)

And suddenly there’s this urge to breathe deeper, spread my own wings, sink into the moment and write a poem myself.. just to tell the world what I see and how I feel..

because poetry does this to me, it connects me with what’s slumbering inside me, connects moments with emotions and it also connects people cause suddenly Eichendorff seems to be so close and he allows me a glimpse into his world and graciously shares what he felt this very moment.

Thanks for linking up with us, thanks for sharing a bit of your heart through the poetry you write and I really urge you to get out on the trail, read what others have written and connect with your fellow poets.

When this post goes online, I’m in Berlin and hopefully made it back to the hotel in time for the pub doors opening. If not, I’ll be around soon…smiles

Happy OLN everyone!

If you are new here, let me tell you how it works:

  • Write a poem and post it to your webpage.
  • Click on the Mr. Linky button below and enter your name and direct url/web address to your poem
  • There you will also find the list of those participating this week. You might want to refresh this occasionally or check back in as there are people joining over the next 33 hours.
  • Read other poets that have linked. Let them know what you thought, how the poem moved you, what you think of their style, what caught your attention.
  • Encourage others to participate through social media, promote your own piece and others.
  • Have fun. Have fun. Have fun. Really.. don’t forget to have fun…smiles