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I remember – even as a child – I couldn’t live without a book – I was devouring them and feared the day when in our little library was none left that I hadn’t read already.

Each of those books was like a window into a new and exciting world, a pathway to explore new characters, to even BE one of those characters and meet the most astonishing people along the way.

photo 2-22Those books just opened and stretched my little world in a way that inspired me to dream and encouraged me to think in ways I didn’t even see before, & some were like a hiding place as well.

So – I love books – and I’m always reading SOMEthing–

and I thought it would be cool to find out what kind of books you’re reading at the moment, why you like them (or why not) or just what was the last book that you read that you really loved a lot and why

The pub is open, so grab a drink – and feel free to share – I’m always keen on new and interesting book recommendations

…and speaking of books…if you havent’t sent your submissions yet for our three year dVerse pub anthology, please have a look HERE -We will be accepting submissions through the end of August.
