i behind the bar tonite... smiles

i behind the bar tonite… smiles

Hey everyone – hope you’re having a lovely thursday!

When you read this as the pub doors open I will be at a cocktail mixing workshop – don’t ask me how I got there – ha – story in itself… smiles

A while ago I saw this “connecting the dots” idea somewhere out in the blogworld – have forgotten though where it was. If you know, please tell me to give the inventor credit

I thought it is a nice idea to use vocabulary we wouldn’t usually

So the challenge is:

Fold a sheet of paper in half
On the one side of the page list 10 nouns
Think of a career or occupation choice
On the other half 10 verbs that correspond to that position
Now connect each of the nouns with a verb
Using any of those combinations, write a 3 (or more) stanza poem with 3 (or more/or less) lines per stanza

Actually, you can go a bit wild as well with the lines and stanzas – just use the vocabulary of the profession you have chosen..

Have a go – and I will catch up with you once I’m back from the workshop
