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Hello everyone, Mish here as your host for Poetics. Today, I invite you to leave all your woes and realities of life at the door. Enter a world where all of your dreams and aspirations are believable and achievable, a place where wishes come true.

Even while maintaining a positive attitude, we often lose the ability to dream. We envy those little ones who naively believe that anything is possible, wide eyed and wishing upon stars. The older we get, the more we lose faith in wishes and wishful thinking. As we face disappointment, failure and loss, most of us give up on the childish tradition of blowing dandelion seeds into the wind.

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But should we? I think we can learn a thing or two from a toddler. Wishing can be therapeutic, a healthy escape from a chaotic world. Wishes bring out some of our greatest qualities like empathy for others, creativity and open mindedness. Some of our wishes become our greatest accomplishments. Wishes can be tiny tidbits of hope, at times when hope is all we have.

“No live organism can continue for long
to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality.
Even larks and katydids are supposed,
by some, to dream.”
—Shirley Jackson, “The Haunting of Hill House

So let’s free our minds from the grind. I am asking you to make a wish and write a poem about it. It may be a personal longing or a global vision. Your poem can be serious, humorous or whimsical. There are no limits to good wishes!

Now take a big breath……this one’s for you.  May all your wishes come true!


All photos © Michelle Beauchamp, mishunderstood

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• Write a poem related to the prompt
• Post it on your blog or website
• Click on Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post and enter your name and the direct URL of your post
• Visit and read other poets’ work. Leave a comment.
• Share via social media using the #dVersePoets hashtag