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Hello everyone! Welcome to Haibun Monday. Today, I will be discussing “changes in seasons” – fall to winter, winter to spring, spring to summer, summer to fall or, seasons in our lives – youth to young adult, young adult to adult, adult to middle aged, middle aged to older aged. Change is inevitable in our lives and we have all experienced changes in our lives, our seasons, our work, our children – change!

The Japanese aesthetic is all about change – impermanence. Mujo. Our lives are not the same as yesterday nor will they be the same tomorrow. Some of us fight against change tooth and nail, others of us go with the flow. Some of us resist but give in eventually. We all view change differently.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ―Alan Watts

The Japanese has several words associated with change: mujo, mono no aware (pathos of things), wabi (subdued, austere beauty), sabi (rustic patina), yugen (nysterious profundity), iki (refined style), and kire (cutting). All of these words are in the Japanese aesthetic pertaining to change and their outlook on life.

So….what do I want you to write about? Change! How you have noticed the coming of fall or another season, changes in your body as you grow older, your melancholy on the passing of things or, your joy on the passing of things. How your life has changed since falling in love, getting divorced, being hired into your dream job, losing your job, losing someone or something you loved, how you enjoy the first snow of the winter, how you long for spring, how you love autumn and the smell of leaves, going to the beach or lake in the summer and lying about being lazy. In other words, I want you to pay attention to how you feel, how you react to change, how you grow or how you become less due to changes.

Down here in the South, it is still summer. Days are still in the 90’s, nights are still in the mid-seventies. It will not become autumn until end of October, in spite of a first frost or leaves changing colors. And the Hunter’s Moon is out around the 16th of October. The Hunter’s Moon is also known as the Dying Grass Moon or the Traveler’s Moon. Up North, folks are experiencing cool weather, leaves changing colors. Down in the Southern Hemisphere, winter is starting to turn to spring. So, changes in seasons is relative to where you live.

Please write for me a one paragraph haibun about change. End it with a nature-based haiku. And speaking of changes, this will be the last haibun prompt I will be doing for you all until mid/end of November due to family reasons. I will be taking a hiatus from dVerse and writing for a bit. I thank you all for your writing of such wonderful haibun and how you all have reacted to the various prompts. I will be back in December. Bjorn and Grace will have guest prompters in my absence. I will miss you all dreadfully but it is only for a short time. So be well, write truthful haibun from your hearts. Take care of yourselves and those you love. And keep in mind these Japanese aesthetics and writing proper haiku!

If new to dVerse or even if not, please:
– Write your haibun and link it to dVerse.
– Post it to Mr. Linky here on this page.
– Visit each other, read, and comment on other writers. This is how we enjoy each other and grow our poetic community.

Toni Spencer (Kanzen Sakura, hayesspencer) has been reading, studying, and writing Japanese poetic forms for 40+ years and is still learning.