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As you might have noticed, I often write about my daily trip to work. I’m fortunate enough to be able to commute with a bicycle. This means being totally exposed to the elements. If it’s raining you really feel it.

This past week we have had a lot of rain, which made me think of a suitable subject for writing a haibun, namely water.

© Björn Rudberg

Water comes in many forms. It can be rain or fog, it fills the lakes and make the brooks babble. It can seen vast and endless when you watch the sea. It brings death in flooding and life after drought. Water can be sparkling from the supermarket or simply from the tap.

Water can be absent in a desert or cold and hostile in winter.

© Björn Rudberg

The topic for this haibun is really very simple:

Tell me something from real life, something recent or something from your past, and tie it up with one real haiku. The only requirement is that you need to include some aspect of water. Try to limit your prose to not more than 150 words.

I will not count syllables in you haiku but please try to include nature and season.

© Björn Rudberg

If you want to use any images from this prompt they are copyrighted to me, so please include a copyright notice.

When you have written your haibun link it up below. It is always appreciated if you leave a comment below, and remember to pass by and read the other linked haibun you might find. Comment what you like and make sure to be part of the community.