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Hellooooo, intrepid poets. De Jackson here (aka WhimsyGizmo), and it’s Quadrille Monday again here at dVerse. If you’re new to the pub, a Quadrille is a poem of exactly 44 words (not including the title), using one word we provide.

Today, I’d like us to give our Quadrilles some

Crunchy. Crunched. Crunching. Crunch-alicious. Crunch through those autumn leaves. Listen to the crunch of snow under your tires. Maybe eat a Crunch bar for some sweet inspiration. Crunch is a great onomatopoeia word, so have some fun with sound, if you like.

Whatever form of the word you choose, it’s crunch time here at the Quadrille, and we look forward to what kind of crunchy, chewy, gooey poeming fun you come up with. Here are some quotes and such to help you get your crunch on…

Go here to read the rest of “The Crunch” by Charles Bukowski.
(Language warning, but so worth the read.)

New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
Crunch your way to a poem of exactly 44 words, including some form of the word crunch. Get creative if you’d like, but please be sure some form the word “crunch” is in there somewhere, and that your poem adds up to exactly 44 words, not including the title. Link it up by clicking Mr. Linky. Then take a c(RUN)ch ’round the blogisphere to visit some amazing poets. The prompt is open for the whole week, so remember to come back and read (and write!) some more. Till next time…