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Okay, poets. It’s Quadrille Monday, and it’s time to put a little ZIP in your doo-dah. De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) here, and for today’s Quadrille (a poem of exactly 44 words, not including the title, using one word we provide), I want you to use some form of the word zip.

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Zipper. Zipping. Zipped. Zip a dee doo dah. Zippy. Spunk and zip. Fire up your Zippo lighter. Go zip-lining with your words. Just don’t zip your lip – it’s time to let your words spill. What’s your poetic zip code? Use the word in any form, or as any form of speech you choose. Zip your words together with a few hyphens, or get crazy with parentheses. Just be sure some form of the word “zip” is in there, and that your poem is exactly 44 words long.

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New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
Unzip your writing kit, and pen us a poem of exactly 44 words, including some semblance of the word zip. Click Mr. Linky below to link up. Then zip your way around the blogisphere to visit some of the most talented poets around. The prompt is open for the whole week, so remember to come back and read (and write!) some more.

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