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Hello! This is Frank Hubeny for Meeting the Bar.

It’s that time of year again. The Sun has been moving to either its highest or its lowest position in the sky. That trend reverses today.

Long days will become shorter. Short nights will become longer. Or the opposite depending on where you are on the Earth.

Day and Night. Two dancers interacting with each other are couples and couples remind me of couplets, a simple poetic form containing only two lines.

That will be the challenge today. Write a couplet, or a longer poem containing many couplets, optionally about the solstice.

For inspiration, Gay Reiser Cannon featured couplets for the New Year in 2011 providing many examples including some couplet forms that are not common such as contrapuntal couplets, chunlian couplets and duilian couplets.  There is also the 17-syllable crystalline couplet form created by Denis Garrison.  It is similar to a 17-syllable haiku but formatted on two lines.

For those new to this challenge, here are the steps to join in.

  1. Create a post you would like to associate with this couplets for the solstice prompt. Link back to dVerse from your post so others know where to go if they want to participate.
  2. Once you have your post published, copy the link to your post and paste it in the Mister Linky below. The Mister Linky may ask you to accept its privacy terms and conditions to link up if you haven’t done so already.
  3. Check out the other posts linked with yours.  Reading and commenting is a way for us to get to know each other.
  4. Come back tomorrow and see what new links have appeared. The Mister Linky will be open for two days.