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It’s November, that crazy writing month! De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) here, and I’m writing at least one poem a day this month. Are you joining in any poem-a-day challenges, or the even more ambitious NaNoWriMo? Let us know in the comments so we can encourage you, call you crazy, and inky-cry with you.

It’s also Quadrille Monday (my favorite!), in which we pen a poem of exactly 44 words, not counting the title, and including one word we here at dVerse provide.

Today, I would like you to pen a poem in the WINK of an eye.

That’s right. Give us a poem of exactly 44 words, including some form of the word “wink.” You can use it as any form of speech you choose (or invent.) You can be silly or serious, or sassy like Beyoncé:

Wink. Winked. Winking. Winky. And aaayyyyy, it’s fine by me if you write about Henry Winkler, aka “The Fonz.” (wink, wink)

New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
Just write a poem of exactly 44 words (not counting your title), including some form of the word wink. Give Mr. Linky a winky and a nod by linking up. Then head out to visit some of the most talented poets around. The prompt is open for the whole week, so after writin’ and readin’, just catch 40 winks and come back for more!

I’ll leave you with Sonnet 43, from Mr. Shakespeare:

and a little Emerson: