

Welcome fellow poets!

It’s that time again to indulge in our very own dVerse creation, the “Quadrille”. For those of you who have not yet indulged, this is a poem of 44 words, not including the title. It must contain one given word.

Today at the pub, there shall be no guzzling allowed as I am offering you only a sip. Hope you are not thirsty. Yes, that is it. The quadrille word is “sip“.


You could also play with ….

sippy ~ (noun) a little sip; less than a cup of some particular drink

sipple ~ (verb) to take frequent sips


Feel free to invent your own concoction such as sip-worthy or unsippable.

Take the word “sip” beyond the obvious beverages and out into the world. What else can you savour slowly? Nature lends us many images of sipping for inspiration…







or we can simply sip on nature itself.






Do you sip on positivity or joy, pacing yourself cautiously in fear of the glass half empty? Are you sipping on courage, tasting the notes of empowerment? I’m getting a bit abstract here but I think that’s another good place to go with the word.

Take a sip of your muse and write, my friends.

Here’s how to join in:

  • Write a poem, any style of 44 words, not including the title. Include the word or derivative of the word, “sip”.
  • Click on Mr. Linky below. Add your name and the direct URL to your poem.
  • Visit the other poets by clicking on the links to their poems. Read and comment.
  • Drop into the poem to join in the discussion.
  • Please link back to dVerse from your site/blog.
  • Have fun!