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Did you know that in 86 Quadrille prompts so far, we’ve never offered a word beginning with the letter “n?”

De Jackson here, aka WhimsyGizmo, and I was surprised by the little fact above, as I was pondering what word to plunder for this week’s Quadrille. Poor little neglected “n.” So I went on the hunt for a fun “n” word that can be both noun and verb, and can slide easily into some fun compound word situations.

Just in case you’re new: a Quadrille is a poem of exactly 44 words, not counting the title, and including one word we here at dVerse provide. And this week, I want you to ponder, and poem, the word nick.

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A nick can be a small cut or notch. You can nick yourself while shaving. It can be a synonym for “steal,” as in: she nicked his wallet while he wasn’t looking. Write us a nicknack poem, or a nickname poem.

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Need more inspiration? Don’t get your knickers in a bunch. Just crank up some Stevie Nicks or some Nickelback, watch (or read) Nicolas Nickleby or a Nick Nolte flick…then pen us a poem, just in the nick of time.

Cigarettes And Whisky And Wild, Wild Women (by Anne Sexton):

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New to the Q? Here’s what to do:
Nick the page with your quill, and pen us a poem of exactly 44 words (not counting the title), but literally including some form of the word nick. Use the Mr. Linky link below to share your poem with us, and then be sure to steal your way around the blog-iverse, reading some of the best poets around. The Quadrille is open all week, so feel free to come back and swipe seconds.